D2 Malfeasance Exotic quest guide



D2 Malfeasance Exotic quest guide

Up next in our Exotic weapons guide is the Malfeasance Exotic quest, which will show you how to acquire the amazing Hand Cannon that you might have seen other players brandishing in-game. There are a couple of steps that need to be taken which unfortunately include some dose of luck for them but as most of you might already expect there are others where you have to grind for a bit. Unfortunately the luck part is overall attaining the quest while playing Gambit matches but we will dive deeper into it in a little bit. 

There are overall 6 steps which need to be completed but after the first one the others should not pose that much of a challenge for you. While it might take some time to complete if you are not lucky, the grind for it is definitely worth it. This is a gun which you will enjoy using and will find quite helpful in certain situations. That is why we recommend trying to complete it so that you can successfully test it out.

Now let us begin with the required steps to get your hands on this amazing hand cannon

First of all you will have to enter a Gambit match and defeat an Ascendant Primeval Servitor that appears randomly. Once it shows up you can count yourself lucky as that means that you can now officially begin the quest after killing the Servitor. It will drop an item which initiates it and your hunt for the exotic Hand Cannon starts.

Keep in mind that it used to spawn quite rarely in the past but with newer updates to the game, the spawn rate was increased. This does not mean that it will appear often though, so keep that in mind and try not to get disappointed if your luck does not work out. Just proceed with trying and you will be able to get it done after some time. 

The next step is quite straightforward as you will just have to visit the Drifter who will guide you further

There is not much to explain here as you will definitely be familiar with his location and after talking with him he will request for you to defeat 25 Taken Bosses or mini-Bosses. This requirement is not the hardest out there and can be completed by just playing the game normally by doing public events and missions. 

The best place to farm them out though is The Dreaming City as they can be located quite frequently during public events there. This is the first part where you just have to grind but thankfully it isn’t too much.

The next step that players will have to complete is the special version of the strike called “The Corrupted”. Here there is not much of an explanation needed as you will just have to complete it with your friends if you wish to get it done faster. This is quite an easy step and lets us proceed further!

The next part of the Exotic Weapon quest is to win a required number of Gambit matches while depositing a number of Motes. The tricky thing here is that losing Motes will subtract from the amount you have already deposited. 

This can get quite annoying as 1 lost Mote counts as 2 deposited Motes. This means that you will have to play especially carefully as unfortunately one misstep can set you back by quite a lot. 

That is why advance carefully and keep an eye out on your surroundings so that you don’t get ambushed and lose everything you have worked so hard to get! With completing this step we can safely proceed to the last one where you will have to once again partake in the Gambit mode of D2. 

The final step that we will have to take before getting the sought after Hand Cannon is to defeat 25 Guardians in the Gambit for starters. This is the first thing that will have to be done in this part. Next up you will also have to wipe out a whole opposing team during one invasion. Alternatively you can have one of your allies do it three times if you aren’t a specialized PvP player and don’t want to do this or find it too difficult. 

These steps are not very complicated but still require a bit of skill on your end as well as your Fireteam. It can get frustrating at times but do not let that stop you from achieving your goal. 

Always try to communicate with your allies or even better bring friends along to help out with this. After completing this part, the next one is to just go to the Drifter and receive your brand new gun the Malfeasance. We wish you all the best of luck when playing and hopefully you will be able to quickly acquire it.

Lastly you will reach the Boss and just before you kill him, use the Tincture that you were saving. Just look off the edge and you will see the Ascendant Platforms. You will have to navigate down them until you get to the chest which will give you the Launcher Truth which is always amazing in PvP.

Now all we have left to talk about is how we can help you with almost everything in the game. Our D2 Boosting services offer a big variety of options including D2 Boosting like raid boost and power levelling to get that quick level up. 

Also for the people interested in exotic gears we offer a D2 Boost for that as well. We offer almost every kind of boost you can think off for the game, but if there is something that you want but unfortunately can’t find, message us and we will think of something to help you.  Our top tier professional players will be able to do almost anything for you as they have been in this field for quite a long time and have the experience to handle the most difficult tasks.

Feel free to check us out and if you have any questions regarding D2 boosts or other information you might need we are here for you 24/7 so just drop by and ask us anything. Don’t worry even if it might be an absurd request, if we can do it we will!