Kalli, the Corrupted Detailed Guide



Morgeth, the Spirekeeper Guide

Another guide brought to you by D2 raid boosting, is the third boss encounter of the Last Wish raid. This encounter will be a coordination and DPS check boss fight. There are only a few mechanics in this fight you will want to take note of.

The first mechanic of this fight to take note of are the floating orbs of light you see spawning around the map. These are called, "Taken strength". Collecting these taken strength in a timely manner will extend your time for DPS when it comes time to damage the boss.

You will want to divide the fireteam into 2 teams of 3, dedicating 2 on each side to collect the first 2 taken strength they see spawn in their area. Leaving the third player for the "cleaning" role. Each strength collected will give the player 1 stack of taken strength but if a player collects 3 stacks they will die immediately so only collect 2 per person. While all 3 players on each side focus the on taking out the waves of taken enemies that spawn, a taken "eye of riven" will spawn randomly on one of the sides, dropping a "taken essence orb" when it dies. The cleanser must never pick up a strength, otherwise the player will die when trying to do their cleansing. The player will want to pick this up the essence orb the eye of riven drops and use the grenade ability next to whichever player Morgeth randomly chooses to "freeze" in place. Though, keep in mind you only have a limited time to reach this player and perform the cleanse before that player dies.

Once this player has performed the "cleanse" with the orb, the cleansed players stacks will tranfer into the cleanser, trading roles. This will continue, trading off until you finally see a strength spawn directly in front of Morgeth, giving the signal for the damage phase.

Now it's time to lay some hurt down on this behemoth of a taken ogre. All players will want to meet up on the pathway they entered the encounter, stacking up with their snipers drawn. The D2 boost experts will highly reccomend using "Whisper of the worm" to kill the boss because of it's white nail perk.

Whole 5 of the players stack up for DPS one of the players will want to have picked up a taken essence orb. You will see in your HUD 2 messages. One will alert the team of what percentage Morgeth has grown strength and the other will show the stack number of strength. If the strength percentage reaches 100% or the stack counter reaches 10, Morgeth will perfrom a wipe and kill the entire team. So the player holding the orb will want to use their super before either reaches maximum to interrupt Morgeth, stopping the DMG phase.

As the players pour shots into the tumors on Morgeths body for damage, axion bolts will begind to hurl out of his body. The D2 raid boost team suggests, if you do not have a sentinal titan with either a bubble shild or commander shield to keep the bolts from hammering the DPS team, they can be shot out of the air. If Morgeth does not go down and you have taken care of the axion bolts aswell as fired the interrupt before time runs out, you will simply want to divide the teams up again as in the start and just replay the encounter as a second phase repeating everything you have just done.