What is the best way to practice a hero in Overwatch 2?




What is the best way to practice a hero in Overwatch?

Before we get into how to practice a hero in Overwatch we must first start off with the game itself as it’s a special beast that must be looked at. 

This is a unique game in the FPS genre as its more of a team based gamed compared to others that you may be more used to seeing

To become good you need to practice not only with one hero but numerous as you might have to change them depending on the situation. The main feature of the game is the option to change your hero during play. This keeps the players more active and there won’t be situations where someone counter picks you and the whole game you can’t defeat them. Here you have to counter people and after that counter what they change to counter you, overall there is a lot of countering in this game which keeps the players more engaged. 

This isn’t an FPS like traditional one for example Call of Duty

Here you can’t only win the game by getting all the kills, the most important thing in this Team based FPS is the team part. There are numerous of roles in the game that you have to get used to as even tanks can carry a game if played properly. Another thing you must be on the lookout for is that everyone here does damage, so don’t drop your guard only because you are against a Mercy as she can kill you as well as any other hero.

Let’s look over a few ways to improve yourself and how to practice a hero or numerous of heroes in the game and outside of it 

The first way we can recommend is casual quick play for starters. This is good if you are beginning as it helps you get used to the game itself. You won’t find much coordination there or a lot of pro plays most likely but it’s ok for starters. There you will get used to the mayhem and chaos that might be expected when you play Overwatch. 

For starters when playing quick play as bad as it may sound just instalock the hero you want to play and get used to them. At least 10-15 hour are required to learn a hero properly. In the quick play option you will not get that much abuse if you instalock or not play properly as more or less the people there play the game casually. 

After you get used to playing there, go to the practice range to train your aim and how the guns work 

There you can experiment with the hero you chose to learn and see his fire pattern. It might not be the most fun thing but it will definitely help you out. Try to learn how the hero moves as well so that the positioning in a proper game is done well as it’s extremely important to position yourself that might be expected when you play Overwatch. 

For starters when playing quick play as bad as it may sound just instalock the hero you want to play and get used to them. At least 10-15 hour are required to learn a hero properly. In the quick play option you will not get that much abuse if you instalock or not play properly as more or less the people there play the game casually. 

After you get used to playing there, go to the practice range to train your aim and how the guns work 

There you can experiment with the hero you chose to learn and see his fire pattern. It might not be the most fun thing but it will definitely help you out. Try to learn how the hero moves as well so that the positioning in a proper game is done well as it’s extremely important to position yourself properly, so that you don’t get focused.  

The practice range is also a place to set up your mouse sensitivity and your graphics so that you perform properly in a real game. If you do that while playing with other people it might result in a lot of flaming on their side. Most pro players always set up there before competitive games and also warm up a bit against the bots on the map. 

The next thing that we can recommend is watching streams of professional players

By doing this you will learn the most about the game. This for some of you might be the most tedious thing but push through it. These people have played the game for a long time and know what they are doing. Most often they will talk about the meta or how they play and will give tips to new players if asked. By watching them you will definitely find out new tricks for the hero they play. 

The positioning and way of shooting the pros use is different to what you might see normally. Since they usually play competitive you will definitely be able to see how they play on Attack and Defense on the same map excluding control maps and learn from their strategies. Try to study how they position themselves, what phases they go through, when to poke and when to fight and also how to use the heroes most effectively. 

Another thing to look out for is what heroes they choose as you will be able to get a general sense of the current meta and team composition that is normally used for the most effect possible. To wrap up with the streams, just keep watching until you feel comfortable with your knowledge of the maps and gameplay itself.

Next up is youtube tutorial, they are a treasure trove of information on the game and most often it’s given by professional players 

There are numerous tutorials on teamplay, heroes, positioning and so on. Check them out as they will definitely show you lots of new and interesting stuff you didn’t know about. The information the tutorials provide is compressed and easy to understand and that is the thing that actually makes them useful. 

Explore and get the most of this information for yourself and then try out what they recommend ingame as only watching how people play won’t improve your skills that much. Practice is needed so for example watch two or three videos and then hop on in and play as close to the way you were told as possible. 

And finally the tip that will definitely help you practice, as strange as it may sound is competitive mode 

There you will learn the most important thing in this game, teamplay. Typically people on comp matches communicate and strategize ingame. That is something that unfortunately you will not experience that much in casual play. Keep in mind as it’s a bit more serious there people might be surprised if the meta is not followed don’t let that bother you at lower rankings. 

Continue playing what you chose if you don’t want to change but also try to cooperate with your team as much as possible, as that will lead you to improving yourself and your skills at playing together with other people. Try to communicate if possible through the voice chat as much as you can, by doing this you will definitely improve you game as well as make it a bit more fun than normally. By playing competitive you will also be able to see where you make mistakes and where you lack by communicating with your team and sharing information. 

Always try to be as polite as possible because that will improve team morale and will definitely help you in the long run. Also check out all of your replays after a game as there you will see most of the things you do wrong, because when playing people tend to not notice a lot of things as they are concentrated on doing well. 

Those are the tips that we can give you on how to improve yourself in this game we all love. Just keep on playing as much as possible and it will come naturally the thing is to not learn bad habits. That is why we recommend watching professional players while gaming.

Now let us talk a bit about what we can do for you in regards to Overwatch boosting. We offer various Overwatch boosting services like Overwatch Skill Rating boosts (with a solo or duo option), Overwatch Net Wins boosting, Overwatch CP Farm boosting even Overwatch top 500 boosts as well as many other options you can check out. 

If by chance we don’t have what you are looking for we will always do our best to accommodate your wishes. Contact us at the live chat window located at the bottom right with your specific wish and we will definitely try our best to help you out. Also if you have any other questions regarding our services feel free to ask. Thank you for reading up till now and we hope to hear from you soon. We are active 24/7 so that we can help you at any time, any day of the week.